Pumpkin Cupcakes With Browned Butter Cream Cheese Frosting And Sugared Pecans

If these look familiar to you, then congratulations. You are one of my oldest followers. I made almost this exact same recipe way back in 2011 except they were sweet potato cupcakes back then. You know I promised I was going to be annoying and give you nothing but pumpkin recipes for two months though, … Read more

Sweet Potato Apple Beer Soup {With Aged White Cheddar, Crispy Sage, And Prosciutto}

Well, here I am, still counting down the days until the due date (10 days!!!) and torturing myself with the thought every single day of “tonight could be the night!”. I’ll probably go two weeks past the due date now with my luck. Oh well, at least by then I might finally be resigned to … Read more

Glühwein {German Mulled Wine}

I realize I haven’t given you much of a taste of German cuisine while I’ve lived here in Berlin. That is about to change. As you probably have heard me complaining about before, the winters here are rough. No, it’s not the low temperatures or crazy blizzards. Those would be quite welcome on a rainy, … Read more

Microwave Pumpkin Spice Caramel Corn

So tell me, does the candy corn scattered in this beautiful, crunchy mess make you gag or did your mouth start watering for it as soon as you flipped the calendar to October? I know there are strong feelings about candy corn. I wasn’t sure what mine were though. I thought that maybe, being pregnant … Read more

Microwave Pumpkin Spice Caramel Corn Recipe

So tell me, does the candy corn scattered in this beautiful, crunchy mess make you gag or did your mouth start watering for it as soon as you flipped the calendar to October? I know there are strong feelings about candy corn. I wasn’t sure what mine were though. I thought that maybe, being pregnant … Read more

Pumpkins Stuffed With Everything Good

I know what you’re thinking. Or at least I know what I was thinking when I first saw someone stuffing a pumpkin… “What are you doing?!?!?! You can’t EAT a whole pumpkin like that. WHAT IS HAPPENING??” I mean, pumpkin pie is different. That’s all sugared and spiced up and probably was made from a … Read more

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Crumb Cake

Well, my friends, this has been quite a week for me. My toddler is getting three molars in right now, so we are experiencing terrible twos to the max. Diaper cream all over couch and both children? Check. Almost all leaves plucked from my favorite jade plant? Check. Bottle of honey unscrewed and dumped on … Read more