Glühwein {German Mulled Wine}

I realize I haven’t given you much of a taste of German cuisine while I’ve lived here in Berlin. That is about to change. As you probably have heard me complaining about before, the winters here are rough. No, it’s not the low temperatures or crazy blizzards. Those would be quite welcome on a rainy, … Read more

Amazing Roasted Almonds {German Christmas Market Style}

Christmas time is the time I find myself pining away for our old life in Berlin the most. Why? Christmas markets. I introduced you the “Weihnachtsmarkt” (aka Christmas Market) in this post last year where I shared with you a recipe for Christmas market “Glühwein” (mulled wine). But even with my “Herrnhuterstern” from the market hanging … Read more

Amazing Roasted Almonds

Christmas time is the time I find myself pining away for our old life in Berlin the most. Why? Christmas markets. I introduced you the “Weihnachtsmarkt” (aka Christmas Market) in this post last year where I shared with you a recipe for Christmas market “Glühwein” (mulled wine). But even with my “Herrnhuterstern” from the market hanging … Read more

Glühwein Recipe {German Mulled Wine}

I realize I haven’t given you much of a taste of German cuisine while I’ve lived here in Berlin. That is about to change. As you probably have heard me complaining about before, the winters here are rough. No, it’s not the low temperatures or crazy blizzards. Those would be quite welcome on a rainy, … Read more