Oreo Fudge Cheesecake

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “My goodness. What an incredibly rustic looking cheesecake that is.” Well, that’s what twenty dollars worth of laziness looks like, my friends. You see, it’s that nice weathered wood that’s giving you that illusion of rusticalness (go away spell-check). I begged my sister to go out to the wood scrap … Read more

Dark Chocolate Cheesecake With Kahlúa Truffles

Last week I was trying to decide what to make to post for you guys. “Cheesecake!” my siblings pleaded, “Please, we’ll do anything!” After days of being harassed by the ravenous horde, I finally agreed. But everyone had different ideas of what exactly this cheesecake should be. “Raspberry. Please.” “Oreo! I only like Oreo!” “Do … Read more

Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake {With Easy Strawberry Roses!}

It was approximately 1 million degrees and humid outside that day, and the cheesecake, strawberries, and I were all sweating furiously as I made the tanggapan touches before dropping it off at the café. I now know why pregnant women aren’t supposed to complain when they experience prolonged sweatshirt weather in June and that they … Read more

Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake

So, as you may already be aware if you follow me on Instagram, I made this cheesecake for a café here in Berlin last weekend. I was sort of excited about it (GAAAAAH!). Just a little. It was approximately 1 million degrees and humid outside that day, and the cheesecake, strawberries, and I were all sweating furiously as … Read more

White Chocolate Blueberry Cheesecake

I had decided it was time to appeal to your hungry imaginations in Facebook land for blueberry ideas since I felt like I had already made just about every blueberry treat I could think of… We’ve had blueberry cream cheese coffee cake, coconut topped blueberry muffins, blueberry pie, blueberry custard tartlets, blueberry pancakes, waffles with … Read more

Homemade Cranberry Cream Cheese Crumble Bars

If there’s one thing that I love as much as sweet potatoes (or dare I say… even more??) it’s cranberries. That’s why I am totally stealing this old post of mine from 2011 and remaking it. Partly also because those pictures were horrid and partly because I wanted to try them out gluten free because … Read more

Cranberry Cream Cheese Crumble Bars

If there’s one thing that I love as much as sweet potatoes (or dare I say… even more??) it’s cranberries. That’s why I am totally stealing this old post of mine from 2011 and remaking it. Partly also because those pictures were horrid and partly because I wanted to try them out gluten free because … Read more

M&M Cheesecake With Chocolate Covered Pretzel Crust

The broken record strikes again.I mean, I’ve poured melted chocolate over the crusts of cheesecake before. I’ve even done chocolate covered pretzel crusts before. Somehow though, I don’t really hear anyone complaining. Okay, that’s slightly a lie. People always complain about something. But seriously, “the crust is too thick”??? I don’t get that. If you’re … Read more