Chunky Avocado Lime Salsa

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So when I first made this, I wrote down the recipe all nice and got it looking beautiful so I could post it, but then before I had a chance to take pictures, I sort of… accidentally… ate it.

But I couldn’t help it. It tastes like sunshine and beaches and summer, and I have to squeeze summer for all it’s worth in these latter days of August.

It’s funny how much more fun fall sounds though, when you take away the school part. I guess that’s (the) one good thing about being a “grown-up”.

Oh yeah, one more thing I like about being a grown-up: tomatoes are good. When I was just a wee Yammie, whenever I saw my friends eating tomatoes of their own free will, I would suddenly feel afraid. I needed to run and hide from my clearly brain-washed playmates.

But now, in the brain-washed world of grown-up-hood, instead of just touching our chips in the “juice” of the salsa, we can scoop up all of these wonderful veggies with a joyful heart. Enjoy.


Chunky Avocado Lime Salsa 
1 ripe avocado, chopped up
Juice of one lime
1 small garlic clove, minced
1/4 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup corn, thawed if frozen
1/2 cup black beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1 jalapeno, finely chopped (more or less to taste)
Chopped cilantro (I didn’t actually have any)

Salt and pepper

Mix all the ingredients together. Serve with corn chips.